UNION bosses are not ruling out the chance of strike action following a meeting at St Helens Town Hall tomorrow (Friday).

THE GMB, AEU and MSF unions, which represent members at Pilkington Float works in Cowley Hill and Greengate are to discuss the restructuring of the company.

In a statement to the Star, Charlie Leonard, regional organiser of the GMB explained: "The restructuring involves different working methods, representation arrangements and job losses. The joint unions have been seeking assurances from the management that in return for co-operation there will be no compulsory redundancies.

"The company has refused to give that guarantee and has informed the joint trade unions that if they do not satisfy their numbers in terms of job reductions then they will be looking at compulsory redundancies through a selection criteria."

He added: "All our members are extremely disappointed that the company are not prepared to offer some type of job security in return for the co-operation our members have given over the years and also during this current exercise.

"Hundreds of jobs have been lost at float in recent times and our members have changed their working pattern dramatically, in terms of doing more work with less people, radical changes to shift patterns and indeed accepting pay increases below the rate of inflation, which amounts to a pay cut."

"Whilst recognising that the company has problems in terms of increased competition, the strong pound and the General Motor strike, the unions believe that the company owes it to the St Helens workforce to give job guarantees. Because of this impasse we are now seeking direction from our members at the meeting on Friday, and a ballot for industrial action cannot be ruled out."

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