A SHOPLIFTER who has spent much of his adult life in prison was given a chance by magistrates and told it was up to him to take it.

The Blackburn bench heard that Edward Ward was an intelligent, articulate man, 'positive and upbeat' when off drugs. He had turned to crime when his heroin addiction got the better of him.

Ward, 30, of Birchall Avenue, Darwen, appeared in custody for sentence after admitting three shoplifting offences at an earlier hearing.

Margaret Duckworth, prosecuting, said the offences were committed over a short period; June 24 and July 7.

The magistrates ordered probation for 12 months and £75 costs and told Ward: "You asked for a chance. We're giving it to you. It's entirely up to you."

On the first two occasions, when he stole Bacardi from Asda and Morrisons, Ward was granted bail but held in custody after the third offence of stealing a microwave oven from TJ Hughes.

Mrs Duckworth said after being stopped in Asda, Ward told police he was so high on drugs he had little recollection of the offence.

At Morrisons staff saw him put two bottles of Bacardi down his trousers. He told police he wanted to sell the spirits for bus fare and food. After the third offence, Ward told police he had walked out of TJ Hughes with the microwave and carried it to Larkhill flats, where he had sold it for five bags of heroin with a street value of £50.

The prosecutor said Ward had "an unenviable record for offences of dishonesty".

Kevin Preston, defending, said prison held no fears for Ward because he had spent a lengthy part of his adult life in custody.

He managed to sort himself out while serving a sentence, but began experimenting with drugs following his mother's death.

He added that Ward's drug abuse came in cycles. Three months ago, after he had been off heroin for 18 months, he was positive and upbeat.

Two months later he was back on drugs and offending again.

Mr Preston told the bench: "Some people you deal with are a lost cause. This defendant is not. He has been in contact with the Community Drug Team and doing his best."

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