ON Monday, the BBC1 programme 'Watchdog Healthcheck' included a feature on cannabis. This was followed by a viewers' phone poll on whether or not they were in favour of legalising cannabis for medical use.

More than 42,000 responded, of whom a staggering 97 per cent were in favour.

It is clear that many people who suffer from a variety of illnesses find cannabis helpful. They also often find that the drugs which their doctors are permitted to prescribe are useless or have damaging side-effects.

The question is, how much longer are the prejudices of a few opinionated bigots to be allowed to prevent sufferers from having access to the only drug which gives them relief?

Even more astonishing: how can a society consider allowing pubs to remain open 24 hours a day and at the same time continue to ban a relatively harmless drug like cannabis?

ALEC LEAVER, Stansfeld Street, Blackburn.

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