SOME of your letter writers are clearly terminally disgruntled by Labour winning the last election.

These 'gruntles' believe they can make their calamity go away by contriving grievances against the Government and pretending the 18 Tory years didn't happen.

Prominent is Mrs J Lee who lists in her latest complaint (Letters, July 27) interest rates being up. She forgets that, until the economic management was taken over by George Soros and Co on Black Wednesday, Tory rates were never anywhere near as low as the present 7.5 per cent.

Indeed, for a whole year they were 15 per cent and from 1979 they averaged about 12 per cent.

Mrs Lee says that unemployment is rising. It was about one million in 1979 and, even on the fiddled Tory figures, was below two million in only four of their years.

Those not stricken with the ' gruntles' amnesia remember unemployment to curb inflation as Norman Lamont's 'price worth paying' and recall inflation at 11 per cent.

Mrs Lee says, inflation is roaring ahead. Really! Current Retail Price Index inflation of 3.7 per cent compares with a 6.5 per cent average under the Tories.

Their 'economic miracle' whittled the value of a 1979 pound down to 35p last May.

Of course, one can fairly criticise the Government over many things, but blinkered and foolish sneering and sniping only makes right-minded people pity the 'gruntles' for their affliction.

G E RAYNER, Whinney Lane, Langho.

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