RESIDENTS appear to have won their battle to stop part of a factory being used as a taxi base.

Letters from 22 houses, a 30-name petition and a letter from a local residents' association opposing the plan to use part of the former G-Plan premises in Railway Street, Nelson, as a private hire base for four cabs have been sent to Pendle Council.

The council's Nelson area committee is recommended to refuse planning permission for the scheme when it meets on Monday.

Opponents claimed the application would mean more traffic and parking problems in the area, more noise and disturbance and the possibility of the business expanding in the future.

The report by planning officer Barry Maher said: "I would regard the proposal as likely to cause a nuisance to neighbouring residents as a result of coming and going, particularly during the evenings."

Mr Maher said the application should be turned down on the grounds of nuisance, noise and congestion problems.

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