A VENGEFUL woman who murdered a man she believed had abused her as a child was jailed for life when she appeared at Preston Crown Court today.

Margaret Copeland stabbed Thomas Hunter through the heart in a Christmas Day attack fuelled by a drink and drugs binge.

Judge Reginald Lockett described the murder as a wicked act. The 28-year-old mother of two from Ivinson Road, Darwen, pleaded guilty to murder.

Copeland told police she was glad she had "killed the beast." She said: "I have waited 25 years for this and it was pay back time."

Copeland believed she had been abused as a child in Glasgow, but an investigation to prove whether her allegations were true.

Peter Openshaw, prosecuting, said Copeland had had a chaotic and unsettled early life which included long periods in care. She also had problems with heroin and alcohol abuse and had moved to Darwen in an attempt to start a new life.

When Thomas Hunter moved to Darwen, friends said Copeland became unstable and aggressive.

She took to carrying a kitchen knife, and on one occasion stabbed her former boyfriend in a fight, which was never reported to the police. Mr Openshaw said: "When she heard Mr Hunter had moved to Darwen she couldn't wait to get him. She told people.

The two bumped into each other on Christmas Day. Copeland then went to a friend's house where she took drugs and drank heavily throughout the day.

Around 10pm she went to her victim's home in Vernon Street with her boyfriend Patrick Stuart. When the door was opened she went straight to Mr Hunter and stabbed him through the heart.

Copeland then fled, throwing the murder weapon down a drain. She was arrested a shortly after.

She asked police whether Mr Hunter was dead and said she was glad when told her had died instantly.

Richard Henriques, defending, said: "At the time of the attack the defendant was suffering from emotional disturbance and she had a genuine belief she was abused as a young child. She had been told Mr Hunter was living in Darwen and she thought he was a danger to other young girls."

Mr Henriques said that Copeland had come off drugs while waiting for the trial and planned a new start when she eventually leaves prison.

Judge Reginald Lockett said: "Clearly you are no stranger to the use of violence. Previously you have attacked your partner and threatened the deceased.

"On Christmas Day you told him you were prepared to kill him. Whatever you believed he did to you and clearly there is no evidence that he abused you, he did not deserve to die. This was a wicked attack."

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