A BURGLAR who went to work instead of carrying out community service has been sent to prison for nine months.

Neil Giltrow, 24, had been told by a judge he had escaped custody by the narrowest of margins when ordered to do community service after admitting burglary.

He was then given a combination order of 18 months probation and 80 hours community service but got a job and did only seven hours, Burnley Crown Court heard.

Sentencing Giltrow, Assistant Recorder Barbara Forrester said the burglary at his ex-girlfriend's home had been "very mean and spiteful."

She added he had been given an opportunity but had not contacted the relevent authorities.

The judge added because of Giltrow's lack of response to the court order, she had no alternative but to send him to jail.

Giltrow, of Birtwistle Avenue, Colne, appeared for breach of a combination order.

Richard Bennett, prosecuting for Lancashire Probation Service, said Giltrow kept only two probation appointments and did only seven hours community work.

Giltrow had raided the home of his former co-habitee while she was on holiday and property worth £1,300 went missing. Some of it was found at his house.

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