DRIVING campaigner Anne Ravenhill is delighted that more than 100 MPs have backed a Commons motion to introduce compulsory motorway lessons for new drivers.

It is seven years since the Burnley mother launched her Learn to Live Campaign and in January her MP Peter Pike took the matter to London by tabling an early day motion.

As the Commons recesses for the summer, Mrs Ravenhill wants to make sure the issue is still uppermost in MPs minds and has written again to Mr Pike.

She is responding to a letter from Baroness Hayman, roads Minister, who claims there is no evidence that new drivers have particular problems driving on motorways.

Mrs Ravenhill says: "I'm sorry but I disagree with that statement entirely.

"After I passed my own driving test I underwent motorway tuition.

"The thought of driving on these roads without any training frightened me rigid.

"Over the next few months many people would tell me of their first experiences of driving on the motorways.

"Many told me that they had never driven on the motorway because they were scared to do so."

Mrs Ravenhill said that there was even more support for the motion because many of the MPs she had been written to said ministerial responsibility prevented them signing but they agreed with the campaign.

She also has General Accident and RAC survey statistics which back the campaign.

Mrs Ravenhill adds: "Until we get rid of the theory that the driving test is something to be got through as quickly and cheaply as possible, how can we expect people to take driving seriously and have a responsible attitude towards it?"

She urged Mr Pike to raise the matter again with Baroness Hayman.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.