A RACE relations boss has hit back at claims that local racial equality council offices will close as part of an East Lancashire-wide reshuffle of services.

Mohammed Hanif, director of Hyndburn and Rossendale Racial Equality Council, also insisted that no staff would be lost if it was decided to amalgamate local councils into one main body for East Lancashire.

On Wednesday campaigners staged a demonstration outside the Accrington office while a meeting to discuss its future went on behind closed doors.

They claim that any centralisation of services would put pressure on race relations and further segregate ethnic minorities.

Mr Hanif said: "These people are scaremongering. No local offices will close and no racial equality workers will be lost.

"At any rate no decision has been made yet, and probably won't be for another 12 to18 months.

The racial equality steering committee has to decide whether one main body covering East Lancashire will serve the people better, or whether to leave the offices as they are.

"I met the community in Haslingden and they are concerned that they will lose their local office and funding if the changes go ahead, but I assured them that this is not the case."

He said the main concerns of the steering committee were how best to serve members of the community, both white people and ethnic minorities, and financial implications.

If it is decided to to amalgamate the local racial equality councils then a base for the East Lancashire headquarters will have to be chosen.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.