THE cost of bringing Hyndburn's council homes up to scratch could be a staggering £30 million according to the head of a residents' group.

Jack Townsend made the claim ahead of next Thursday's crucial decision by councillors whether to sell off the borough's 3,900 properties.

It is believed the creation of a new private company, Hyndburn Homes, would bring vital extra funds needed for repairs.

Mr Townsend, chairman of the Hyndburn and District Federation of Residents' Associations, is backing the proposal to give housing repairs a major cash boost.

He claims it could take a £30 million injection to repair Hyndburn's crumbling council houses.

He said: "Areas such as the Sands Estate in Rishton, Belfield Road and Rothwell Avenue in Accrington are in dire need of money. "If you take 900 properties in the borough which need serious attention and spend £30,000 on each, and an extra £3 million on the other houses, you're looking at £30 million to bring them all up to standard.

"I believe the sell-off would be in the tenants' best interests. Financial constraints imposed by successive governments give councils little chance of maintaining their properties.

"But a private housing corporation would open up access to funds which we currently don't have."

Rona Courtney, Hyndburn Council's housing manager, said: "I think the figure of £30 million is a valuation that surveyors have come up with during investigations into the stock transfer.

"It is the amount needed to improve all the borough's property up to a perfect standard.

"We certainly haven't got that amount to spend but it is true that if the transfer goes ahead the new company will have more money."

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