Demo Den

SUB ROSA: Untitled - A slightly duff sound on the tape supplied - or maybe it was the batteries in my stereo - didn't manage to mask the potential of this Blackburn five-piece.

The first track, Helpless, opens with some jangly indie chords, a tidy little melody and some basic snare drumming. The vocal is fairly solid and it's not a bad tune but the song could just do with a little kick up the backside to give it the sense of urgency it lacks. The second song, Miss Possibility - the best of the bunch - pushes the tempo up and a keyboard with an ice-cream van sound provides some great filler melodies.

The song breaks down, stops then starts again quite cleverly. The third track Be With You has a strangely folky feel to it, with a swirling guitar sound, not making it the most accessible of songs.

The vocal tends to get lost sometimes as it ebbs and flows.

This demo may be rather rough and ready but it has enough of a sparkle to make it a good taste of what may be in store.


Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.