A BURGLAR who wants to study law escaped jail - but was told he wouldn't get another chance.

Scott Lang raided a man's home in vengeance after the victim's son "put in a bad word" about him to his girlfriend and she dumped him.

Accomplice Jamie Clayton acted as "look-out" and the duo made off with a hi-fi which was later recovered, Burnley Crown Court heard.

Sentencing the duo, both 18, assistant recorder Barbara Forrester, sitting with two magistrates, said the offence had been an "immature reaction" to what had been said.

She added that burglars normally went to custody but the defendants had caused no gratuitous damage.

The judge went on: "If you return before this court, either in breach of sentence or because you have committed any other offence, this court will not be as lenient with you in the future."

Lang, of Sandy Lane, Accrington, was given a combination order or 12 months probation and 60 hours community service. Clayton, of Riding Barn Street, Church, was put on probation for 12 months. Both admitted burglary and must pay £61 costs. They were committed for sentence by Hyndburn magistrates.

Mark Lamberty, prosecuting, said Lang got into the house through a window and the £270 hi-fi and compact discs worth over £300 were taken.

The equipment was later found at Clayton's home.

He added the victim, who had twice before been burgled, was told by a friend of his son's that Lang had owned up to the burglary.

For Clayton, Richard Bennett said the defendant did not enter the property. He bitterly regretted what he had done and now had a criminal record, of which he was ashamed.

Clayton came from a disadvantaged and trouble background. He went on: "I ask the court to give him a chance and not immediately lock him away.

"Probation would give him the support hitherto sadly lacking in his young life ."

William Staunton, defending Lang, said he had burgled the house as an "act of vengeance" after the victim's son "put the spanner in the works" between him and his girlfriend.

The relationship had meant a lot to Land who decided to burgle the house as he was passing.

Lang was hoping to study law and regretted not sitting his GCSEs. He was working with Help The Aged and keeping out of trouble.

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