TABLE-topping Hawks have the entire nation snapping at their tailfeathers - business as usual.

Two points ahead of the pack in the English Premier League, Hawks tackle mid-table Romford at the Arena tonight (face off 6pm) - and they know they need to keep up the pressure to stay there.

While Hawks have games in hand over second place Wightlink, their main threat could could from lower down the table.

Third place Solihull Blaze have three games in hand over Hawks, and seventh place Milton Keynes have seven. Both are a very real threat to the Blackburn outfit, and administrator John Neville is all too aware of the danger.

"It was a fantastic confidence boost to go top of the league going into the New Year, but as we've already found to our cost twice this season, it's a tough job staying there," he admits.

"But we're desperate for it. After so many years in the doldrums, it's great to be back on top and we're determined to keep it that way. We've only got one game this weekend, and with no injury worries we'll be throwing everything we have at it." Hawks have an uninterrupted run at the title with no distractions between now and March 21 to come away with the honours.

But the pressure's on, and after a hard-fought draw against Chelmsford last week they need to step up another gear and get back on the winning track.

Hawks forwards Andrew Dickson and Lamonte Polet top the scoring charts in the EPL going into 1999. Polet has a whopping 31 goals to his credit this season, with Dickson just trailing with 30. The official rankings put Dickson in the top spot - with an additional 35 assists the Canadian is miles ahead with 65 points.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.