WORRIED workers at one of Blackburn's biggest employers were bracing themselves for bad news today.

Managers at brewers Thwaites called a meeting of all the firm's employees and union representatives this afternoon.

Union officials said they had not been informed what would be announced at the meeting but said they feared heavy job cuts among the workforce of around 300.

"The atmosphere has been terrible here for months and morale is at rock bottom," said Bob Seed, shop steward for the GMB at the brewery.

"We've been pressing them for information about what is going on for more than six months but we haven't been told anything.

"People here are very worried today. We are sure the shopfloor is going to be hit but we don't know what is going to happen to other departments."

It is understood part of the announcement may concern a reorganisation due to plans to relocate the firm's warehouse to another part of Blackburn.

No one at the company was said to be available to comment on the situation.

Just six months ago Home Secretary Jack Straw launched a new £2 million investment in new fermenting vessels at the site.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.