"LET me make it perfectly clear" - an expression used in almost every TV interview by MPs and over and over again they are as clear as mud to a great many of the viewers.

Another expression MPs have nearly worn out is "in real terms" - usually to explain wage rises or the reducing help benefits are to the needy, but not for price increases on essentials, food, train fares or taxes on everything.

Do they know two per cent of nothing is nothing?

Is there a list of expressions they learn while becoming MPs?

If one says something and a rival says the opposite, then surely someone is lying.

How many elected men have abused their privilege to join in shady deals or seedy affairs?

How many promises are broken by many when the average person looks for integrity?

Next time you listen to a party political broadcast, take notice of the evasive answers, the stock phrases or, as we have seen lately in the news, just downright lies.

K SOWERBUTTS (Mr), Southwood Drive, Accrington.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.