WITH monotonous regularity, some people blame the USA and/or the UK for so many of the world's ailments.

I am not of the opinion that both countries are always the 'good guys' and the rest are the 'baddies.'

But I do tire of those who consistently insist that we are always in the wrong when military action is taken against any other country.

The appeasers seem to be saying that if we cease to take such action, all would then be sweetness and light. History says otherwise.

The doves of peace will rapidly disperse in a shower of bloody feathers if some dictator has a shotgun and decides to use it.

It is so easy for those not in positions of responsibility to be critical of the decision-makers in any government.

But if you are the government, there is nowhere to hide. You cannot take refuge under the opposition benches when the flack is flying.

You cannot run for cover; you have to stand up and return fire.

Some members of the present ruling party were, in the past, rather militant students who displayed a tendency to be anti-this and anti-that.

Now, it's a different story and they march to a different drum.

Unvarnished reality confronts them and harsh decisions have to be made.

Those who condemn the USA and Britain should understand that they themselves could now be living in a dictatorship if our two countries had not stood firm as allies.

We have many shortcomings and faults, but I suggest that we who live here have much to be grateful for.


Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.