WORKERS at one of Darwen's biggest employers met yesterday to discuss possible industrial action next week.

The GMB Union is representing 280 shop floor employees from six different departments at Azko Nobel Decorative Coatings who recently overwhelmingly voted to reject an annual pay award offered by the company, which is 3.3 per cent on basic rates and a £100 bonus payment.

To avoid any threat of high court action, the union have decided to carry out a second postal ballot asking workers if they would be prepared to strike for a better deal.

Workers had threatened industrial action before Christmas but decided against the move.

GMB regional organiser Dennis Pimblet said: "The company made £16 million last year and our members don't feel a bonus of £100 per person is a good enough reward for the hard work which has helped more than double profits."

More than 100 members gathered outside the Hollins Road site at 11am. The industrial action ballot is due to take place on January 18.

A spokesman for Akzo Nobel Decorative Coatings said: "The GMB, after advice from their lawyers and a desire by the union to resolve the outstanding dispute with the company, withdrew their industrial action at the Darwen site prior to the Christmas break.

"A meeting has been arranged for January 15 to further discuss the pay award. A pre-meeting is understood to have taken place on Sunday with the union members and their full time official."

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