A DRIVER who knocked over a pensioner and later fled is being hunted by police.

Police said the driver of a black saloon came to the aid of the man in his 70s after knocking him over in Blackburn on Saturday.

The accident victim, who broke his shoulder in the accident, was hit by the car in Moorgate Street, Mill Hill around 12.45pm. The driver stopped and checked if the man was all right then walked him to his house.

He offered to take the pensioner to the hospital and the accident victim went inside to tell his wife what had happened.

When he came back into the street the car had disappeared and the man was forced to go to Blackburn Royal Infirmary by ambulance.

A spokesman for Blackburn police said: "We would like to speak to this driver as soon as possible or anyone who may have witnessed the incident.

"It may have been that the driver of the car panicked when the elderly man went into the house."

There were two men in the car and both were white and in their mid to late 20s. Both were of similar appearance and of average height and build.

It is believed the men may have been brothers and were local men. Anyone with information about the incident should contact PC Stuart Roberts on 01254 51212.

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