YOUNG motorists are being warned to drive safely when the Eid celebrations get under way in East Lancashire.

Police chiefs are hoping to get the safety message across with special greeting cards which are being sent out to homes across East Lancashire.

Large crowds are expected on the streets of the area's major towns during the annual celebrations which start on Monday

The end of the Ramadan fasting looks set to spark major celebrations which in the past have included young men driving recklessly.

Police have taken a number of steps aimed at making the roads safer to use throughout the celebrations.

The move follows a similar campaign last year after complaints about dangerous driving.

Official statistics show 78 people were killed on Lancashire's roads and 1,405 were injured over the last 12 months.

Police have joined forces with the Lancashire Partnership Against Crime, the Lancashire Council of Mosque, Blackburn Shopping Centre and the Black Police Association to promote the safety campaign. Local businesses and voluntary organisations have also agreed to support the initiative. Lancashire's head of road safety Chief Inspector Ian Bell said: "We have a proven problem in parts of East Lancashire where Eid Celebrations are concentrated."

Al Yusuf of the Partnerships and Community Safety department added: "Businesses are delighted to be involved in ventures like this which are seen to give something back to the community."

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