AS a loyal season ticket holder I have to reply to Michael G Howard (Sports Letters, January 5) who lambasts the "so-called lifelong fans" and says their only concern is not for the team but for their back pocket.

Apart from this being totally untrue, it is a downright insult. If he thinks that fans who have been watching Rovers home and away through thick and thin do not care desperately for the team, he is seriously misguided.

The main problem with the Top Tenner scheme is that it was introduced after the season tickets were sold. This gave the season ticket holders no saving for the valued up-front support, but a loss.

Mr Howard says that this loss is 'princely' but the point is it should be season ticket holders who make any saving and not the casual fan.

In fact the only benefit I have had is a nice Christmas card and a grovelling letter thanking me for my continued support and reminding me of the huge savings I could make on any of the Uhlsport range in the club shop. Thanks a bundle!

We all want the club to be successful and I, too, Mr Howard, hope for the fan base to grow.

This could still happen, but do you seriously think that the person who has paid £10 a ticket this year is going to pay more than £20 when the prices inevitably go back up again? I don't think so.

JASON WHALLEY, Aintree Drive, Lower Darwen.

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