THE Blackburn branch of the Citizens' Advice Bureau has been suspended after it was found to be guilty of racial discrimination by an industrial tribunal.

The National Association of the Citizens' Advice Bureaux has suspended the Blackburn branch from its organisation following the findings of the Manchester tribunal.

And bosses at the NACAB are calling for a complete shake-up at Blackburn after former manager Mrs Robina Naseem had a complaint of racial discrimination upheld.

Mrs Naseem, who worked for the CAB for nine months before having her contract terminated, was backed by a former member of the management committee who resigned in protest over the row.

Judith Riley, the North West Regional Director of NACAB, said: "The National Association deeply regrets the actions of the Blackburn CAB management committee.

"We expect every Citizens' Advice Bureau to uphold the principles of equal opportunities and non-discriminatory practices."


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