FRUSTRATED drivers who have endured months of traffic chaos have a chance to vent their anger in a roadside protest.

Darwen Labour Party members will hand out bright orange postcards to drivers stuck in queues close to Hollins Grove Post Office, Darwen, from 8am tomorrow.

The move follows complaints by residents and commuters about a delays caused by temporary traffic lights used by North West Water as part of their sewer replacement scheme on the A666, which is running over-schedule.

Councillor Dave Hollings, who represents the Sunnyhurst ward, said: "The postcards will stand out a mile in North West Water's mailbag. We hope this will send a clear and visible message of how fed up the people of Darwen are with these roadworks.

Earcroft Councillor Mike Barrett has already sent a letter to Darwen MP Janet Anderson detailing the problems in an attempt to prompt Government action.

He said: "This a chance for people to make their feelings known to North West Water."

The stretch of road has been dogged by congestion over the last five years.

The misery is set to continue as developers are prepare to start work on a surface water culvert at Craven's Brow, following completion of the North West Water project.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.