A FIVE-POINT action plan to get axed staff at one of Pendle's largest firms back into work has been drawn up after a top level meeting with bosses.

The American-owned Lear Corporation will close its Colne factory later this year with the loss of 350 jobs.

Deputy county council leader Frank McKenna met senior managers at the firm yesterday to see what can be done to protect the interests of the workers.

"The meeting was extremely useful and, in the circumstances, very positive," said Coun McKenna. "The Lear Corporation is obviously committed to providing their workers with as much support as possible and that is very welcome."

Coun McKenna also welcomed a move by another buyer to take over part of Lear's Waterside plant, creating up to 50 jobs with the prospect of more to follow.

He was joined at the meeting by senior managers from Enterprise plc, the jobs creation organisation which provides a broad range of support for business and industry in the county.

Further meetings will be held throughout this month to put together a package of support for staff. Colin Wilkinson, Pendle Council's economic development manager, who was at the meeting, said: "Rest assured, this council wants to do everything within its power to ensure we minimise the jobs that will be lost when Lear moves out of Colne and we want to ensure the jobs that are retained as long-term as possible."

He pointed out that Pendle had been working with Lear on various issues for some time.

The action plan will include:

Help for workers made redundant with training programmes and welfare benefits advice.

Support for new investors to ensure any new jobs are sustainable over the long term.

Protection for East Lancashire sub-contractors that supply Lear.

Support for staff interested in starting up in business on their own.

Marketing the site to other potential users and investors.

Colne County Councillor Tim Ormrod said: "I am a little more optimistic for the future than I was at Christmas. It is vital that this employment package is put together by Lancashire County Council and Enterprise plc to protect the interests of the Lear employees and the wider Pendle economy."

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