STAFF at Blackburn Citizens Advice Bureau will keep the branch running after it was suspended from its national association.

The National Association of Citizen Advice Bureaux is calling for a shake-up in the management committee after an industrial tribunal found Blackburn CAB had racially discriminated against former manager Robina Naseem, 32, from Burnley.

NACAB have carried out an internal inquiry which confirmed the Blackburn management committee had breached CAB policies.

Staff and volunteers will continue to run the service.

Peter Turner, acting chairman of the management committee, said: "The committee of the Blackburn CAB met on Monday night to consider the position. "The committee resolved to contact the National Association of Citizen Advice Bureaux and to discuss with them the way forward for the bureau.

"The committee also decided to consider the detail of the decision of the tribunal when that becomes available and thereafter to determine the future for the committee.

"The committee are anxious that the bureau continues to provide the high standard of service to the public for which it is renowned.

"The day-to-day running of the bureau is unaffected by the decision to suspend it from membership of the National Association."

Judith Riley, the North West Regional Director of NACAB, said: "We will expect a full reorganisation of the management at Blackburn.

"In the meantime, NACAB will work with the bureau to ensure that the service to clients is maintained."

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