LAST year, I appealed to your readers to take any leftover foreign coins into their local Cancer Research Campaign shop or Boots the Chemist.

The response has been phenomenal. So far, £90,000-worth of foreign coins have been donated for the Cancer Research Campaign's Foreign Coin Collection, and we're still counting.

Now, the Campaign has asked me to say a big thank-you to all your readers who donated coins between June and September. Since the Foreign Coin Collection began six years ago, a staggering £340,000 has been raised, proving that even the smallest contributions all add up.

The collection will be back at the same time and same places later this year, so please continue to donate those leftover foreign coins.

BILL BRYSON, Travel Writer, for the Cancer Research Campaign, Cambridge Terrace, London NW1.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.