JOBS are on the end of a telephone line in Burnley as a new recruitment team gets into top gear.

Employment Services Direct, based at Burnley Jobcentre, has dealt with 450 calls inquiring about vacancies since it was set up just a week ago.

And that has resulted in the team arranging job interviews for 250 people.

Burnley's Business Support Unit manager Liz Hoskin said: "We are delighted with the response we have had locally to the launch of this national initiative.

"This new service is enabling local people to access vacancies very quickly.

"Unemployed jobseekers in the area can call 0845 6060234 and the call will be routed to one of 10 call centres in the region," she added.

The service complements those already provided at Jobcentres and is available until 6pm weekdays and from 9am - 1pm Saturdays.

The service uses the national Employment Service's vacancy computer database which holds some 300,000 vacancies that employers are seeking to fill.

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