POLICE hit squads carried out a series of dawn raids across Blackburn as part of an operation aimed at drug dealers and burglars.

Around 10 people were arrested in today's swoops and substances believed to be heroin, cannabis as well as stolen property was seized.

A series of synchronised raids in Darwen, Blackburn, including Shadsworth, Mill Hill and Larkhill, began at around 7am and teams of police officers followed up with a second round of raids targeting burglars and active criminals.

The crackdown, codenamed Operation Evoke, involved scores of officers and specialist teams were drafted into Blackburn from across the county.

Teams of officers from Great Harwood, Burnley and Preston were used in the operation along with sniffer dogs and search teams.

Detectives have been gathering information and intelligence on suspected criminals in the town for months in preparation for the operation.

Police have warned that further strikes will be carried out in the near future.

Det Inspector Tony Harling, of Blackburn CID, who organised and co-ordinated the operation, said: "We have targeted people we believe to be active members of the criminal fraternity involved in drugs dealing, burglaries and auto crime.

"If any criminals think we do not know of their activities they are mistaken. We will be back.

"Our objective is to ensure a decent and safe quality of life for all law abiding citizens in the town.

"We want to work with the community to ensure that Blackburn is a safe place."

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