A WIDE-ranging review of the standard of door staff in Blackburn town centre has left the council happy with the way clubs and pubs operate.

Blackburn with Darwen Council introduced a door supervisors scheme in a bid to reduce crime and make sure undesirable people do not get work.

More than 50 people have completed a training course which involves instruction in licensing and public entertainment, law, criminal law, first aid and fire safety.

A condition of registration is that supervisors are expected to assist police in their investigation of incidents, especially by providing statements.

In December council public protection staff visited 11 premises in and around Blackburn town centre to check whether licensees were keeping to their word and employing only registered door staff. Only one unregistered doorman was found. He was employed by an agency who have previously employed unregistered doorman at another premises in the borough.

The council can take no action against staff agencies. But it can act against licensees who have failed to comply with the section of their entertainments licence which says they can employ only registered doormen.

Options available to the council include prosecuting the licensee or a formal caution.

A report to the council's public protection committee says the people should be: "reassured by the enforcement action carried out by the council in respect of door supervisors and by the high standard and quality of staff carrying out door supervisor work within the borough."

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