I DO sympathise with Ribble Valley Council having the unfortunate dilemma of deciding the fate of the Clitheroe Civic Hall Cinema (LET, January 6) which has a rather quaint and unique attraction all of its own. It would be sad for it to close. But, as with numerous churches, chapels, pubs and other establishments, if you don't use it, you'll lose it.

Well, due to the casting vote of the chairman of the community committee the threat of closure has been suspended for another year. I suggest that diversifying the cinema entertainment may make it a viable proposition.

The Council should reduce the quota of top 'pop' film releases, refrain from taking part in expensive multiplex cinema competition and experiment with some of the many films and videos produced in Britain and abroad which are rejected by main distributors but accepted by 'minority slot' television and so promote the Civic Hall as a specialist tourist attraction.

J A MARSDEN, Scarborough Road, Blackburn.

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