THE streets of Burnley are lined with litter say householders who have given a massive thumbs down to the standard of cleaning them.

A new council survey shows that while a big majority of participants were satisfied with refuse collection, there was widespread concern over street cleaning.

More than 350 people responded to the council questionnaire and a massive 76 per cent were either not very or not at all satisfied with the service in the borough as a whole. They identified residential areas as the main areas of concern, followed by grassed areas and the town centres.

A huge 86 per cent called for streets to be swept more often by contractors, UK Waste, and most wanted cleaning staff to roll up their sleeves rather than rely on machine sweeping.

Some called for a prosecution purge on litter louts.

The survey was carried out to provide the council with information in the run up to inviting tenders for the new cleansing contract for Burnley.

On refuse collection, 78 per cent of respondents said they were quite or very satisfied - and there was a widespread welcome for the new wheelie bin service.

Some 83 per cent of users said they were happy with the bulky household waste collection service - but they were evenly split on whether they would be prepared to pay if a service charge was introduced.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.