LABOUR council stalwart Granville Lord today threatened to quit the party after claiming he was wrongly suspended for failing to pay his annual party subscriptions.

The ex-bus driver, who has been a Burnley councillor for seven years, is fuming over the decision to suspend him from the council's ruling Labour group - effectively barring him from meetings which hammer out the vital decisions taken in the town.

The Padiham councillor said he was considering his position and may follow other Labour councillors who have crossed the council chamber to sit as Independents.

He said: "I am seriously concerned.

"As far as I am know I am a fully paid up member and this is totally wrong. I have always paid my subs on time." He added: "I shall have to think about this - if I am excluded, I will either resign or become an Independent until my re-election is due next year."

Group secretary Peter Kenyon suspended the Hapton with Park ward councillor.

Today the Labour Party North West Regional Office said the whole matter was down to an administrative error which would be rectified and that Coun Lord was still a full member of the party.

Coun Kenyon said he had been informed that Coun Lord was in arrears and a check with the National Membership Unit confirmed that was the case.

"In these circumstances, the rules of the party require the member to be suspended from Labour group meetings."

"I am obliged as group secretary to carry that out and I informed the group I had done so."

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