THE head of a Pendle primary school has sent out a letter to reassure parents after a child and his family appeared on TV to talk about how he was bullied by a fellow pupil.

Michael Ingham, head of St Paul's school, Nelson, has written to parents asking them to talk to their children about bullying and "what it really means".

The letter follows an interview with six-year-old pupil Jake Martin and mum Sharon, of Barrowford, on GMTV yesterday about bullying.

Jake was said to have been sick and suffered nightmares after being called names at school.

In his letter Mr Ingham said: "The school handled the particular incident referred to properly in a manner appropriate to the age of the children.

"The pupils remain friends and play and work together.

"One family's concerns have been expressed and I appreciate their feelings and concerns.

"We in school have not commented for the sake of the children.

"Equally important, however, as well as the deep concerns within school over the issue, we must also consider the feelings of the other family involved and how totally heartbroken they are over the whole issue.

"We would ask you to talk to your children about the whole issue of bullying and what it really means."

Mr Ingham said the school placed great emphasis on its relationships with the children and parents.

He added today: "This was sorted out within the classroom as it would be with six-year-olds involved."

A number of parents have telephoned the school with messages of support.

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