A LEADING headmaster today launched a stinging attack on the Labour government on the day Prime Minister Tony Blair visited Blackburn to talk about Education Action Zones.

Alisdair Coates, secretary of the Lancashire Association of Secondary School Headteachers, slammed school funding levels and said the EAZ initiative would not be necessary if the Government put more money into schools.

Mr Coates, headteacher at St Christopher's High School, Accrington, said: "The Prime Minister and Education Secretary are using today to praise EAZs. But these are only needed where the ordinary system has broken down or is under serious strain.

"The public believes there is more money coming into schools to raise standards. But most of that money is simply to cover inflation and wages. A small proportion is being used to cut primary school class sizes and the money is just not reaching secondary school budgets.

"We now have one teacher to every 20 pupils where we used to have a ratio of one to 18. This year I am having to make one of my teachers redundant. Our school has had a record year in terms of exam success but the money is not there."

A working group has been set up by Lancashire County Council to look into creating at least two more EAZs in Hyndburn, Rossendale, Burnley or Pendle.

Education chiefs at County Hall initially decided not to take part in the pioneering scheme, which gets businesses involved in the funding and running of schools.

The Mayor of Hyndburn, Coun Ian Ormerod, has confirmed Hyndburn Council is keen to be part of the EAZ initiative.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.