FURIOUS ice hockey stars hit out today claiming they had been "unceremoniously dumped" by Blackburn Hawks.

It was revealed today that defenceman Kevin Doherty was also axed along with Chad Brandimore, Simon Mills, Colin Downie and Tim Dempsey.

And the players feel betrayed after falling victim to a sensational cost-cutting move by the Arena.

Dempsey, who only signed a new deal in the summer and had played a major role in helping Hawks to a top spot in the English Premier League, was clearly shaken by the developments.

He also revealed that none of the four would be able to find new clubs as the transfer deadline expired on New Year's Day.

"We were approached a week or so after the deadline and told that because the Arena was over budget we would have to take a pay cut," he says.

"It happened at training on a Tuesday evening when many of the squad - those who live away from the area - don't travel in for training. We were picked off first, and some of the others didn't know anything about it.

"There are some strange choices over who has gone. Without mentioning names there are people in the squad who I feel, if someone had to go, should have been pushed before us. "We have always been totally dedicated to the Hawks - this season alone there have been several occasions where that's been proven. Simon once drove all the way down to Portsmouth to meet up with the squad for a game on the Isle of Wight because he had missed the bus, and I played with stitches in my eye, with a full face mask on and very much against doctors advice. Simon was made captain this season, and I became assistant captain, and we were proud to wear those titles for Blackburn Hawks. But I feel that we've been stabbed in the back, and that sort of treatment doesn't inspire loyalty.

"I'm sure that if the Arena needed to save money there were more constructive methods available. I feel utterly betrayed. There's no way I would ever play for Hawks again."

Ironically, Hawks play a challenge match against Altrincham - where Dempsey made his name as a player - at the Arena tomorrow night (face off 6pm), and travel to Oxford in the league on Sunday.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.