AT the full Hyndburn Council meeting on January 5, I took advantage of the innovation of members of the public being able to speak and ask questions. I found it very worthwhile and would earnestly encourage other citizens to do the same.

To see how the different political factions and individual councillors respond can be very illuminating and might well influence how one decides to vote at the next local elections.

Understandably, a public question has to be submitted at least a week before for it to be included in the agenda. Anyone interested can telephone 380115 to get the date of the next council meeting.

The question I asked was: "Why are the same kinds of designs that have proved unpopular in previous traffic-calming schemes throughout the borough still being envisaged?"

I am unhappy about current proposals to introduce schemes on Burnley Road, Queens Road and Lonsdale Street, Accrington, and the poor way in which the public were supposedly consulted.

My question was answered by Councillor Dave Forshaw - to the effect that government guidelines had to be followed and the council did not just have a blank sheet of paper. This was a very unimaginative response and I was not very impressed or satisfied, but I was pleased that Coun Forshaw said he would ensure that an officer of the council would get in touch with me about my concerns. Councillor Peter Britcliffe, leader for the Opposition, promised that the Conservatives, when elected, would undertake a full review of all traffic-calming measures, both existing and proposed.

Councillor George Slynn, leader of the council, pointed out that such a review was already being implemented by national government.

The Mayor had the last word and claimed that the measures introduced by Hyndburn Council were saving accidents, injuries and deaths and quoted some confusing statistics. I felt that this was not really relevant to my question as I was not objecting to the measures, just the particular designs being used.

I wonder why no individual Labour councillors entered the debate. Did they all completely agree with the comments made by Councillors Forshaw, Slynn and the Mayor, or were they muzzled?

I am told that Hyndburn is one of the most traffic-calmed areas in the country. What does this indicate?

E CHETHAM (Mr), Sutton Crescent, Huncoat.

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