A CALL for a higher police presence in an area troubled by car crime and neighbourhood nuisance has been made by a councillor who lives there.

Coun Jack Grime told Hyndburn Police and Community Forum: "I am rather concerned with Church and especially the Buckingham Grove area. The other week we had cars broken into and windows smashed. There are still quite a few of our alcoholic friends causing us problems, as well as drug addicts."

Coun Grime said there were also problems with nuisance neighbours, especially young people having parties in the early hours, upsetting elderly residents.

"We would like to see a police presence in the Buckingham Grove and Somerset Grove areas a little bit more frequently so that people are aware that action will be taken if people are causing unnecessary havoc and problems for law-abiding citizens."

Inspector Peter Zsigmond said: "We are aware of the problems and we have a number of tactics in dealing with them.

"Some are high-profile policing tactics and others involve gathering intelligence so we can target our resources.

"It is a minority of offenders that cause the most problems, and we are looking at tackling them by working together with the council and housing associations. One particular nuisance neighbour has been served with notice. If there are any more problems that person will be evicted."

Insp Zsigmond urged the public to help identify the troublemakers.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.