LESS than 15 per cent of local small firms have sought advice over the new euro currency, a report out today reveals.

Although most small and medium-sized companies are aware that trading has started in the currency, few have acted to make sure their businesses won't be adversely affected.

"It is clear that we need a sustained campaign to encourage more North West companies to prepare for the business opportunities the euro presents," said James Ross, chairman of the North West Euro Forum set up to help firms benefit from the new currency. "The message is simple: Those who are prepared for the euro will reap financial and business benefits and those who fail to act could find themselves left behind."

The survey did find that a higher proportion of North West firms had sought advice on the new currency than in many parts of the country.Further information on the euro is available from the Euro Info Centre North West Helpdesk on 0151 298 1928.

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