BARGAIN hunters are being given the chance to buy a public toilet - after a council decided to privatise a privy.

The rooms with a loo in Gisburn Road, just below Higherford Bridge at Barrowford, were put on the open market after Pendle Council declared them surplus to requirements.

The "For Sale" notice has gone up to flush out interest in the tiny toilets and would-be owners can view at their own convenience.

But they will be expected to spend more than a penny if they want to own the Gisburn Road property in a prime riverside location - although a council estates department spokesman said there was no guide price, with the council simply testing the water.

The loos are still in use, allowing interested parties to see them working.

The conveniences, built in the 1950s, simply comprise a ladies' toilet and gents' urinal with running water.

Council environmental services manager Richard Whittle said Barrowford already had a £60,000 convenience and councillors decided the village no longer needed the Bridge toilets.

He said: "The cost of demolishing the building, capping off the water supply and re-building the river wall could run up to £2,000 and so it was decided to try to sell them instead."

But Mr Whittle advised against anyone taking them over as a running concern.

"There's no money to be made on toilets," he said. "I only know one person who ever uses this one."

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