POLICE were called to a dispute between a councillor and her next door neighbour over access to a ginnel between their houses.

Coun Mrs Maralyn Parkins and Ray Parker, of Bolton Avenue, Huncoat, began arguing when workmen from Halifax-based company Dyson Insulations Ltd were installing cavity wall insulation at Mr Parker's house.

Coun Parkins, whose husband David is also a councillor, is a member of the housing services committee, which has recently discussed issues of neighbourhood nuisance in Huncoat.

Police have confirmed that they investigated the incident, which happened last month, but will be taking no further action.

Former Calderstones Hospital nurse Mr Parker said: "I suffer from severe arthritis in my knees and this whole episode has left me stressed.

"I don't need permission to use the ginnel, but Mrs Parkins shouted at me and grabbed my shoulders, so I told the police."

Mrs Parkins said Mr Parker shouted abuse at her and added: "I did put my hand out to him, but only because he wouldn't go away.

"This was a private altercation with my next door neighbour who was encroaching on the ginnel which, according to the deeds, belongs to our property.

"We have never denied Mr Parker access via the ginnel in the past, even though he has two gates which are always locked so people have to come on our side.

"He is supposed to give considerable notice if anyone needs access through the ginnel and if he had done that there would have been no problem.

"I would have gone out for the day instead of having to put up with the noise of drills and banging."

A spokesman for Accrington police said: "An officer did attend following a neighbour dispute. Advice was given and no further action is being taken."

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