LANCASHIRE Police's crackdown on drink-drivers during the festive period was praised at a public meeting to discuss crime in Hyndburn.

The force came under fire from drink-driving campaigners after they initially failed to release full figures of motorists stopped in the county.

The information that was released showed that just five people were arrested for drink-driving out of 32,101 stopped by police.

But county councillor and police authority member John Entwistle told Hyndburn Community and Police Forum: "There has been a lot of adverse publicity about the drink and drive campaign, but the police authority is totally supportive of the police and the Chief Constable.

"It is quite wrong to criticise the police's efforts. What is important is that the tests are there and they are trying to deter people from drinking and driving."

Sergeant Nigel Walker of the road safety unit at Accrington said: "I have been on the drink-drive patrols in Hyndburn and 99 per cent of the public have been fully supportive.

"We do not stop every car, and we do not breath test everybody. We give them a leaflet explaining the Chief Constable's message and they are only delayed for seconds.

"It is very, very rare that somebody complains, and there has been a decrease in the number of accidents as a result." Sgt Walker said burglars were also deterred from committing crimes during the campaign because they risked being stopped.

Superintendent Eddie Walsh, Eastern Division commander, said: "We have had real problems in bringing down the number of casualties in this division. But this campaign has helped us achieve a fairly substantial reduction in the number of casualties.

"I get letters saying how well we doing every day, but I have not had a single letter of complaint about the matter."

Altham parish councillor Rennie Pinder said: "As a lay visitor to police stations I see people in custody for drink driving and many don't show any remorse. I think Lancashire Police are doing a damn good job."

Hyndburn councillor John Wells said: "I have read some articles which really slated Lancashire Police and the Chief Constable, but I am right behind the police. If we didn't have people who persistently break the law then we wouldn't have to do these things."

Chairman Coun Maurice Cowell said the forum was "100 per cent" behind the campaign.

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