IN support to the views of Mr D H C Kimberley in 'Cut waste, not costs' (Letters, January 7), do we really need a new BBC logo costing £85,000 for the millennium - a dandelion past its sell-by-date?

Then, they are telling us that the licence fee will be £101 next time - for more repeats and black and white films.

Then, I still cannot grasp the thinking of our political and industrial brains - that, by closing things down, this will save them.

Dr Beeching closed the railways in the 1960s - look at the state they are in today.

Lord Robins started to close the coal mines. Where is this industry today?

The same exercise was carried out with our motor-cycle, car and truck industries and these have all but disappeared.

Now we close hospitals and nursing homes to 'save' them.

But all this only means unemployment, the loss of our industrial base and, greater-still, loss of people's earning power.

A L FISK (Mr), Bridgefield Street, Hapton.

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