A HOODED sex attacker pounced on a teenage nurse and warned: "You either die or do as I say."

The terrified 19-year-old was told she would be stabbed with a knife if she refused to do what she was told but managed to struggle free after a five-minute ordeal on a back street in the Padiham Road area of Burnley at 6.30pm on Saturday.

The attacker took his victim behind a horse box parked near Denbigh Grove and tried to take her further out of sight into some bushes.

She stopped him by struggling and wedging her feet against the kerb.

He carried out an indecent assault but she managed to break free and run off. Although the terrified victim stumbled he allowed her to escape. The attacker was last seen running off towards Padiham Road.

The girl was on her way to visit family in the area when the man approached her from behind. He put one arm around her waist and the other hand over her mouth.

Det Sgt Graham Briggs said: "Although she didn't see a knife she was terrified. She was crying and shaking."

The attacker is described as white, aged about 20, 5ft 6 or 7ins. He spoke with a local accent and had sweaty hands. He was wearing a royal blue cagoule with the hood up.

Anyone who saw the struggle or who has information which might help police inquiries is asked to contact Burnley CID on 01282 425001.

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