A PRISON officer killed himself after becoming depressed over the break-up of his marriage.

An inquest heard that father-of-two Brian Wilkinson, 49, of Cloister Drive, Darwen, took an overdose of tablets.

His wife, Karen, who has since changed her name by deed poll, said her 20-year marriage had been stormy but, despite leaving him and filing for divorce, they had maintained contact.

On the day he died they had arranged to go out for a drink.

"We were still waiting to see how things worked out," said Karen.

"Part of me wanted to go back and part of me was frightened in case he just went back to what he was like before."

Mr and Mrs Wilkinson had two children, Dean, 19, and Lisa, 16.

When they separated, Dean stayed with his father at the family home.

Dean found his father after he had taken the large dose of paracetamol and tranquillisers which killed him.

Dean said he found his father in bed three days before his death and he seemed drowsy.

His father had said to him: "Your mother is not coming back, is she?" "I said no, you'll just have to start your life again and he said 'I can't'," said Dean.

He said on another occasion his father had said he felt like driving off and putting a hosepipe on the car exhaust but he would not do that because of Dean and his sister.

Mr Wilkinson worked at Preston Prison for ten years and his supervisor, Alex Shirlaw, said: "He was an outstanding and dedicated prison officer who always gave his best and worked to a high standard.

"He always took on extra duties and was the life and soul of the party."

He said he had started to notice a change in Mr Wilkinson's behaviour in May 1997 and he had taken time off work to go and see a solicitor. He later went on the sick.

Coroner Andre Rebello recorded a verdict that Mr Wilkinson had killed himself while the balance of his mind was disturbed.

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