A MENTAL patient who murdered his neighbour in Darwen was under supervision after being released into the community, it was revealed today.

The shock findings of a top level inquiry into how psychiatric patient Daniel Holden killed David Spencer after he was released from Whittingham Hospital, Goosnargh, are set to be released this week.

Holden battered loner Mr Spencer to death just eight months after he was allowed to leave the Langdale medium secure unit at the former hospital.

The inquiry is the second major investigation to be carried out into the running of the unit and looks set to spark further controversy about the much criticised care in the community strategy.

An earlier investigation was launched in 1996 after it was revealed a couple who met and married at Whittingham Hospital embarked on a trail of terror after absconding from the unit.

Douglas and Julie Byelong attempted to murder a taxi driver and abducted a six-year-old boy during a 75 mile rampage.

The couple also killed a dog and it was later revealed Mr Byelong, from Bacup, had a string of convictions for violent offences. He had been released into the community in 1995. East Lancashire Health Authority will discuss the findings of the Holden Report in private when they meet on Wednesday.

If the board of the authority agree with the report they will hold a press conference to announce publicly the findings of the inquiry team.

Holden was a patient at the hospital until his release in July, 1995. He was still on a supervision register when Mr Spencer was killed in his Darwen home in March of the following year.

Mr Spencer was kicked and punched more than 150 times by the 17 stone Holden who then started a fire in a desperate attempt to hide his tracks.

The courts heard how Mr Spencer was battered to death following a row over a leather coat. Holden, 35, from Clarence Street, Darwen, was sentenced to life at Liverpool Crown Court and the judge ordered a report into the background of the case.

Judge David Clarke was told Holden had a history of psychiatric problems and called for further reports in his private findings on the case.

Daniel Holden has always protested his innocence and claimed he was the victim of a police conspiracy.

Holden, a former nightclub bouncer went on hunger strike at Liverpool's Walton Prison for 28 days last year in a bid to clear his name.

His mother Jean Stephenson, from Bury, has also campaigned for her son's release and has called for an appeal against the conviction.

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