A FIGHT to save a high-tech factory and more than 40 jobs is under way after a takeover.

Earlier this month Philips Laser Magnetic Storage, part of the Philips electronics giant, was sold to a Hertfordshire-based company called Plasmon.

The Blackburn factory, which employs 45, produces 12-inch glass laser discs used for storing information.

But the firm says difficult market conditions mean that it has to combine its two UK sites, either in Blackburn or at the other factory in Hertfordshire.

But the firm says that for financial reasons it is more likely the Blackburn production will be moved down south.

The firm says around 40 jobs will be lost out of a workforce of 174.

"I have tried to be open and honest with all employees over this," said managing director Chris Harris today.

"It is by no means certain which site will be relocated and if it is Blackburn we will offer relocation packages."

He said whichever option was chosen he anticipated redundancies at both sites.

A letter to staff from the company says: "The company regrets having to take this course of action but has no alternative in light of the present circumstances. All possible steps will be taken to reduce the impact of redundancies."

Although no announcement has yet been made, one employee said he believed the decision to close the Blackburn factory had already been taken.

"This loss of jobs is scandalous bearing in mind the long service of many employees and the high profit generated by the Blackburn site," said the worker who did not want to be named.

"This is a high-tech company which Blackburn can ill afford to lose."

Employees are hoping to now hoping to enlist support to fight the closure threat.

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