ACE marksman Andrew Dickson intends to "stick it out" with Blackburn Hawks for the rest of the season - but says he probably won't be coming back.

Amid rumour that Hawks are considering withdrawing from the English Premier League's end-of-season play-offs on financial grounds, the Canadian star forward says: "That would be such a shame - but nothing shocks me any more.

"We have been hearing all sorts of things recently and to lose five players as we did last week really whipped the rug from under our feet. The boys have done brilliantly to head the league and everyone on the team would desperately want to play in those play-offs. To have that opportunity denied us would be cruel.

There were fears that some of the imports could consider quitting the Arena in the wake of the cost-cutting, but Dickson added: "This is not true. We intend to stick it out until the end. It won't affect how we go about our jobs on the ice, we owe it to the fans to give it our best."

But as far as the possibility of returning was concerned he said: "Under thee sort of circumstances that would be very difficult to imagine."

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