I AM fed up with the moaning, whingeing motorists of Darwen and Blackburn. Why is it such an affront to your liberty to be randomly stopped and breathalysed?

If Chief Constable Pauline Clare can tell us that there were no drink-driving deaths over the Christmas period, then that justifies the campaign.

If there were any deaths/accidents, then the number of random tests needs to be increased.

And why do motorists have such a problem with the roadworks on the A666 Darwen-Blackburn road? What's more important - being able to drive your car without any hold-ups or having clean drinking water and an efficient sewage system?

For those who don't know the answer, I'll tell you: water is more important.

Why were all the motorists surprised when three inches of snow fell and there was chaos on the roads? If you'd all left your cars at home and walked or used public transport you would not have been stuck for hours.

Why do motorists not understand the simple truth that the only people responsible for congestion and problems on the roads are . . . motorists - each and every one of you, all of you - because there are just too many of you.

N LEWIN, Ellerbeck Road, Darwen.

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