EMPLOYEES aiming for promotion or a career change are being urged to take advantage of a loan scheme.

Career Development Loans can be used to pay for up to 80 per of the cost of vocational course fees.

Anyone who has been unemployed for more than three months may be able to borrow up to 100 per cent of the cost.

And for a limited period, people in East Lancashire can apply for a grant from ELTEC to cover up to 25 per cent of their approved loan to a maximum of £200.

"The cost of studying both in terms of course fees and lost earnings often puts people of training or education despite the fact it could actually lead to improved finances in the future," said Andy Fawcett, ELTEC's training and education development director.

"Career Development Loans were introduced specifically to tackle this problem, and to help ensure that people can study and achieve their ambitions without worrying about the financial implications."

Repayment of the loan doesn't start until one month after the course has finished.

Application forms are available from Kathie Oates on 01254 301333.

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