TEENAGE singer Liam Houghton is aiming to hit the high note as a professional performer, after impressing audiences at one of the top clubs in Blackpool.

The 17-year-old from Earby, who is studying performing arts at Accrington and Rossendale College, is preparing to step into the limelight as a professional and is busy raising money for much-needed equipment.

Liam, whose stage name is Lee Nelson, has been singing since he was four years old. "He started out doing classical singing and worked for quite a while with Nelson Civic and Accrington Male Voice choirs," explained his dad, John, of Brown Royd, Earby. "At the moment, he's performing in clubs and doing a cross section of modern music, but he's not certain just yet which way he will be going with his singing."

Liam, a former pupil at Primet High School, Colne, has just returned home after a stint in the clubs at Britain's top seaside resort, including performances at the Talk of the Coast club.

"It was the biggest venue he's done so far and he went down very well," said John.

Liam is aiming to raise £4,000 to buy equipment. He will stage a fund-raising event at the Midas Club, Earby, on February 5 with local comedian Carl Schofield, who has offered to appear free of charge, appearing alongside him on the bill.

A number of local firms have donated raffle prizes to boost the total on the night.

Tickets are available from John on 01282 843019.

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