INITIATIVES aimed at reducing the number of long-term unemployed in East Lancashire today received a share in a £13million windfall.

The money, from the European Social Fund, is part of a package for the North West announced by the government and will be used by projects and organisations to tackle unemployment, especially among young and disadvantage people, as well as working to promote equal opportunities.

Lancashire County Council was among the big winners, gaining more than £250,000 for various schemes.

Elsewhere, Pendle Borough Council received more than £178,000 for tackling unemployment, and the Lancashire Colleges Consortium got almost £94,000 for a call centre training scheme, £43,000 for the College Route to Opportunity project and £20,000 to train an information technology technician. Burnley College received £40,000 for an interior design course.

Marianne Neville-Rolfe, regional director at the Government Office North West, said: "This is good news for the North West. All the organisations which have been offered funding showed a tremendous commitment to their projects and the people involved. The funding will have a positive and far reaching impact on employment in the region."

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